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The creation of a 1,000 forests is in one acorn. So plant a single seed from your heart and nurture it. Imagine what can grow!
Ralph Waldo Emerson



I DID ......

when I moved into my home in 2006, as a newly single woman, I brought very little furnishings with me. It wasn’t until 2 years later, after getting to know myself on a deeper level, that I felt ready to hire Karina as my decorator.

One of our first projects was the open living space where friends would gather. After we furnished that room, she asked what kind of art I wanted to hang above the fireplace. This spot was in direct view from the front door and would catch the eye of everyone entering my home. Without hesitation, I showed her the picture I had clipped from an art catalog 2 years prior. I felt strongly guided back then to save this photo, never knowing if or how it might be used in some way down the line.

This boldly colored painting portrayed four women of different ethnicities, linked arm in arm, who were connected in a loving bond of Sisterhood and Oneness. Rather than order this art piece, we purchased a large blank canvas and painted our own version. This painting helped me envision a time when women from many backgrounds would come together in unity and strength. Take notice of a curly-haired Joy painted in this embrace; little did she know back then that this kind of Sisterhood would come into her life! My Spirit knew it though, and because I listened to Its guidance, this vision became a reality for me. EVERYONE HAS THIS HIGHER GUIDANCE! LISTEN FOR IT WITH YOUR HEART!

What has Spirit guided you to do? How did this impact your life? What visions have become realities in your life?

#Sisterhood #Oneness #Soul Guidance #Inner visions #colorful sisterhood #Courageous Women of Wisdom

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Updated: Dec 21, 2022

What gifts can you give yourself that come with a lifetime warranty… are beneficial … are the perfect fit … and that are found at home?

In my photo, you’ll see a blue candleholder, a green plant in a water-filled vase, and an Angel figurine. These are symbolic of the gifts that I give myself on a regular basis and not only during the December gift-giving season.

LIGHT: A lit candle brings me a sense of deep PEACE when I gaze upon it. Even when I feel overwhelmed, agitated, or disconnected, the steadfastness of the Light calms my very Being. My energy shifts into the stillness of my inner sanctuary.


LIFE: The green plant cutting is sustained and nurtured by the attention I give it, by providing the necessary light and water conducive to its growth. Healthy roots miraculously sprout from its once barren stem. I, too, am a Living miracle; my life is enhanced by self-care, self-kindness, and by listening to my heart’s desires. I become deeply rooted in the beauty of my True Self.


LOVE: This spunky, creative Angel represents the overflowing Love that is housed in my heart. I came into this life with unconditional love that flowed freely to everyone. Then life happened with its hurts, misunderstandings, and the lessons necessary for my personal growth. My heart began to lock away more and more of its love as a protective measure. All of this began to radically change in 1989, during an unexpected and life-changing healing session, in which I experienced a flood of Pure LOVE and LIGHT fill every cell of my Being! My heart felt like a balloon being filled with air, as it rapidly expanded to accommodate a LOVE far greater than any I had ever known. During this same session, I was introduced to the idea of Angels and told they would always be with me, surrounding me in love. I learned that all I had to do was ask for their help, and they would give it! My ever-deepening relationship with them has greatly enriched my life; they are always with me.


This Holiday Season gift yourself with nourishing and restorative practices that return you to the Peace, Self-Care, and Love that are always within.

What are some affirmations that state what you are inviting into your life now?

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Early one morning two years ago, I went to my favorite duck park with photographer, Niki Murphy, for my website photo shoot. Feeling like kids in a candy shop, we eagerly sampled an array of colorful and creative backdrops for my posing.

As we walked around the large pond, my eyes focused on this bright yellow sign that read:



Per my request, Niki edited the photo leaving just the top 3 words.

You see, in the last ten years "IT'S THE LAW" has taken on a greater meaning for me and has transformed by life in many ways.

I am not talking about Legal laws, created by humans,which can be changed, updated, or deleted.

I also am not referring to Physical/Natural lawsthat operate in the outer universe and are discoverable by scientists, like the Law of Gravity. We know it works and we accept it as a law.

I AM referring to Spiritual Laws, often called Universal Laws. They influence our lives every moment. For example, the Law of Attraction and the Law of Mind demonstrate how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. OUR THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, WORDS, AND ACTIONS PRODUCE ENERGIES, WHICH, IN TURN, ATTRACT LIKE ENERGIES.

Amazing gifts have come into my life when putting these laws into practice! Here are just a few examples:

Manifesting trips to Hawaii and Alaska at an incredibly looow price. For months, I focused my thoughts on being in each of these places. I would feel the excitement as though I was already there. I spoke only positive words about this happening, and I took action by looking at different possibilities! Voila! I energetically attracted what I had imagined!

When looking for my home in 2006, I made a wish list of the features I wanted inside the house and in the yard, what type of neighborhood, location, and the energies I wanted to feel when living there. I joyfully received 30 out of the 33 requests for my new living space!

Regarding my inner growth work, I emphatically declared to the Universe my preference for learning through joyful experiences rather than from painful ones, like in the past. Several months after stating this, I attended a large gala fundraiser to which many raffle tickets had been sold. My mouth dropped open when I heard my name announce as the winner of the grand prize: 7 Days is a Tuscan Villa!

My joyful growth opportunity had arrived! I knew that the Universe was giving me this gift so I could face my fear of traveling alone. You see, I carried the fear of my ancestors, who fled from persecution in Poland. My Grandmother and her 5 children, which included my mother, found freedom in America; however, they remained prisoners of the terror they had faced. I was raised to believe the world was not a safe place and that I could not trust people.

In order to live a free and joyful life, I had to move through this fear! So, with the love, assistance, and support of countless individuals who helped me prepare for this trip, I traveled solo in Italy for 2 glorious weeks! Engaging fully with warm-hearted Italians, eating their scrumptious food, and taking in the beauty of the land, I felt the joy of inner freedom and a wonderful sense of adventure!

To this very day, I truly believe that my focused thoughts, feelings, words, and actions created this marvelous growth opportunity. Now you know why the words, IT’S THE LAW, caught my eye on the day of my photo shoot!

I invite you to share one of your success stories with me! Use the Contact Form or email me at

(By the way, you can see more of the pics on my Courageous Living with Joy website.)

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