Speaking Engagements
In 1991, my life changed in dramatic ways. Following strong inner guidance, I enrolled in the Dale Carnegie Professional Speaking class and uncovered my natural ability to share personal stories that uplifted and motivated others. Today, I am available to speak to your group on a number of topics developed over my 34 year journey into souls.
Speaking Topics
Courageous Living
From Victim to Victor: Breaking Free From Fear
Express Yourself with Joy: A Journey in Self Expression
Living in a Multi-Dimensional World
How Dreams Can Help Us
Creating the Life You Want
What You Think & Believe, You Become
The Body Speaks to You: Are You Listening?
Laughter is the Best Medicine: Lighten Up & Laugh
The Still Inner Voice that Guides You
The Ancient Sciences of Numerology & Astrology
Open to the Miracles in Life
The Day the Angels Came to My Classroom
The Power of Love
The Truth of Who You Are
Radical Self-Care
If you don't find the topic you would like, call me and we can create a special topic tailored specifically for your group.
Group Facilitation & Workshops
Groups provide a safe haven for inner healing, while supporting each member's journey from victim to victor, even if the one is the victim of ones own doing. They have a transformative power and bring joy in sharing with others to gain inner strength.
For more information on Group Facilitation & Workshops
"Obstacles are necessary for success. Each struggle, each defeat, sharpens your skills and strengths, your courage and your endurance."
- Og Mandino
Listen to me on The Lighter Side Show
with Jamie Butler!
Listen to my interview on Unity Radio Online with Reverend Beverly Molander!
on The Happiness Recipe
"Jon and I so enjoyed your presentation. It's not a surprise that it was so good and interesting--after all, presentations are your specialty. What made it special was how much of your true self that you shared. We all have fears to overcome and you give us all hope."
~ Linda
"Just a quick note to tell you that I thought your talk was terrific. You were poised, animated, and clearly spoke from your heart. I loved the way you weaved in the message you wanted to convey about dropping the old stories and beliefs and letting the truth of who you are be fully expressed. Bravo!"
"One thing I love about you, Joy, is that you have the courage to do the hard work and share your story with others. It is cleansing to you and inspiring to those who love you. And, by sharing this with your congregation, you have also inspired an entire community and lives far beyond your own."
~~ Mandy Roth
"This was a talk that was universal. Something for everyone. Your personal stories made the concepts come alive in a relatable way. Anyone could insert themselves and experience the ups and downs that come with the quest of becoming truly authentic. Your presence and loving heart are a gift. The courage you show blazes a path for others to take their own steps along the way."
~~ Lucinda