When I began taking private art lessons in May, 2018, I decided to combine my love for journaling with my enjoyment of colorful creativity. I joyfully share my latest inspiration with you!
My journey to finding love began a long time ago! The false beliefs that infiltrated my mental and emotional bodies convinced me that:
*I had to earn love by becoming a pleaser.
*I had to earn love by becoming an over-achiever.
*I had to earn love by being docile and nice.
*I had to earn love by being obedient.
*I had to earn love by stuffing down my feelings.
But even when I did embody these qualities, I was not guaranteed a lasting love, but rather one that could be conditional, illusive, and fleeting. Plus, it seemed like I had to become what someone else's idea of me was, in order to win the love I so deeply desired. This pursuit left me feeling empty, untrusting, and protective of my heart.
After many transformative years of traveling on the "Yellow Brick Road" of life, looking for Love in all the wrong places, I have found the way back Home to my True Self. The unconditional Love within my own Heart has waited patiently for my return. As I embody the art of Self-Love, I share it more fully with others.
What a rich Homecoming journey this continues to be!